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Virtual Reality opens eyes to European democracy

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Virtual Reality opens eyes to European democracy

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Learn more about how you are represented in the European Parliament, discover how many MEPs are elected from your country and engage in the democratic process.

System & G’s facilitates a virtual tour to Strasbourg and Brussels to see through the eyes of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Using Meta Quest virtual reality headsets alongside a 360° tour of the parliament and an immersive experience , participants can find out exactly what MEPs do.

“It’s a human right to vote,” explains Charis Stafylidis, one of System & G’s youth workers. “And people need to know exactly what they’re voting for.”

Find out about "Be an MEP - Virtual Reality Experience" at the European Parliament's official website:

This virtual reality workshop is a part of the European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning cooperation partnership (read more about this project) implemented by four partner organisations:
  • System&G, lead partner in Greece
  • CODEC, Belgium
  • Badgecraft, Lithuania
  • System&G Finland

The EU Erasmus+ programme co-funded this activity.

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Open VR Eyes to European Democracy Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

The badge earner learned more about how they are represented in the European Parliament, discovered how many MEPs were elected from their country and engaged in the democratic process.

A virtual reality workshop facilitated a virtual tour to Strasbourg and Brussels to see through the eyes of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Participants used Meta Quest virtual reality headsets alongside a 360° tour of the parliament and an immersive experience to find out exactly what MEPs do.

This virtual reality workshop was developed by the European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning cooperation partnership.
Zadatak broj1
Izdato od strane organizatora ili skeniranjem QR koda
Participate in a virtual reality workshop. Optional:
  • add an image(s) of using a VR set
  • share what impact a virtual tour had on you, relating it to understanding what members of the European Parliament are and how they represent you.


#Ability to enable young people to use the digital services targeted at them to access relevant information and support
#able to use digital device operating systems
#Considers the political implications and the power structures in the use of digital media and technology
#Fostering democratic and active participation
#show a commitment to democratic principles
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