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Take Part In: Make Your Voice Count!

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Take Part In: Make Your Voice Count!

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This playlist empowers young people to claim their place in decision-making, create inclusive spaces, and amplify their voices for meaningful change. It’s designed for you to explore your leadership potential, learn how to make an impact, and inspire action in your community. By engaging in this playlist, you’ll gain essential skills, build confidence, and connect with peers who share your passion for making a difference.

Aktivnosti koje treba dovršiti

Obavite sledeće aktivnosti, steknite značke znanja i videćete da se napredak vaše plejliste ažurira
Map Participation Spaces in Your Community
Nepoznatog trajanja
Pogledajte celokupnu aktivnost


Objective: Dive into how decisions are made and learn to influence them.

  • Decode how decisions affect your world and where your input matters.
  • Test your skills in interactive decision-making role-play challenges.
  • Learn from real-life stories of youth-driven policy wins.

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Lead the Way: Make Decisions That Matter Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
Objective: Dive into how decisions are made and learn to influence them.

  • Decode how decisions affect your world and where your input matters.
  • Test your skills in interactive decision-making role-play challenges.
  • Learn from real-life stories of youth-driven policy wins.
Zadatak broj1
Izdato od strane organizatora ili skeniranjem QR koda
Participate in activity
Aktivnosti: 3
Započeto: 1
Završena plejlista: 0
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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Kofinansirano kroz Erasmus+ program Evropske Komisije
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