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European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning

We aim to engage young people in reviewing the European Youth Goals and make sense of their relevance to their city youth life and realities.


Get to know 11 European Youth Goals

50.000 young people from all over European expressed their views on what matters to them and what EU should focus in the EU Youth Strategy. Cities of Learning calls young people and policy makers to review goals' relevance locally and take action on them.

#1 Connecting EU with Youth

Foster the sense of youth belonging to the European project and build a bridge between the EU and young people to regain trust and increase participation.

#2 Equality of All Genders

Ensure equality of all genders and gendersensitive approaches in all areas of life of a young person.

#3 Inclusive Societies

Enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society.

#4 Information & Constructive Dialogue

Ensure young people have better access to reliable information, support their ability to evaluate information critically and engage in participatory and constructive dialogue.

#5 Mental Health & Wellbeing

Achieve better mental wellbeing and end stigmatisation of mental health issues, thus promoting social inclusion of all young people.

#6 Moving Rural Youth Forward

Create conditions which enable young people to fulfill their potential in rural areas.

#7 Quality Employment for All

Guarantee an accessible labour market with opportunities that lead to quality jobs for all young people.

#8 Quality Learning

Integrate and improve different forms of learning, equipping young people for the challenges of an ever-changing life in the 21st century.

#9 Space and Participation for All

Strengthen young people’s democratic participation and autonomy as well as provide dedicated youth spaces in all areas of society.

#10 Sustainable Green Europe

Achieve a society in which all young people are environmentally active, educated and able to make a difference in their everyday lifes.

#11 Youth Organisations & European Programmes

Ensure equal access for all young people to youth organisations and European youth programmes, building a society based on European values and identity.

International Partners

International partners consortium leads this cooperation partnership

System&G, GreeceBadgecraft, LithuaniaCODEC, Belgium

Locally Involved Partners

Local partner organisations that bring inspiring practices addressing the European Youth Goals

Can AI support our efforts toward the European Youth Goals?

Yes, we have built a custom versions of ChatGPT. Tryout Youth Goals Hub GPT!
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What we do and create


  • Involve young people in peer-to-peer labs about the European Youth Goals And their relevance to young people and our cities.
  • Promote cooperation among youth and local stakeholders in each city on European Youth Goals grounds and outputs.
  • Build our capacity to promote the European Youth Goals through youth-led activities in our cities.
  • Support young people’s learning, actions and recognition related to European Youth Goals through the Cities of Learning digital platform.


  • Project coordination and management and dissemination.
  • Good practices of the European Youth Goals.
  • Capacity building for the European Youth Goals
  • European Youth Goals learning playlists and badges.
  • Dissemination and multiplying.


  • Youth consultations on European Youth Goals implementation.
  • Youth leadership capacity developed during a long-term course.
  • Youth Goals co-designing playlists.
  • Structured Dialogue on European Youth Goals.
  • Increasing awareness about European Youth Goals and their benefits
  • Networking opportunities
Toate (20)#10 Sustainable Green Europe (8)Lumea globală (2)Angajament civic (5)Technology and computers (1)Dezvoltare personala (4)
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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