
European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning TC_Vilnius_Lithuania

Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania

European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning TC_Vilnius_Lithuania

Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania


The general objective of this training course is to create, test, and promote open and free educational resources that youth leaders, youth workers, and non-formal educators can use to develop young people’s understanding and action toward the 11 European Youth Goals.

● to raise awareness on and understand what EYG are, by developing, testing and carrying out
educational playlists on the Cities of Learning platform.
● to raise awareness on and understand how the 11 European Youth Goals affect young people youth work
● to develop critical thinking, social skills and interest in information about EU youth policies and
EYG through local Youth Goals Labs and digital learning playlists focused on spreading this information;
● to evaluate new tools, practices and experiences
● to meet local partners and exchange experiences

Cover image:
Photo by Delila Ziebart on Unsplash.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

European Youth Goal TC_Vilnius_Lithuania Gauk šį ženkliuką

Ženkliuko informacijaPripažinimas
Badge earners met in Vilnius, Lithuania for the training course, whose goal was to create, test, and promote open and free educational resources that youth leaders, youth workers, and non-formal educators can use to develop young people’s understanding and action toward the 11 European Youth Goals.

During the training course, participants had opportunities to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of European Youth Goals (EYG) through the development, testing, and implementation of educational playlists on the Cities of Learning platform.
  • Gain insights into the impact of the 11 European Youth Goals on young people and youth work, fostering awareness and understanding.
  • Develop critical thinking, social skills, and interest in EU youth policies and EYG through local Youth Goals Labs and digital learning playlists.
  • Evaluate new tools, practices, and experiences related to the promotion of EYG awareness.
  • Engage with local partners to exchange experiences and insights.

This training course is part of an Erasmus+ co-funded project ''European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning''.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Participate in a training course. You can upload photos from the event. Share your reflections on the following questions:

1. What did you take from this training course?
2. What was the highlight of this visit?


Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania


#skatinti kolektyvo kūrybiškumą
#Supporting learners in developing critical thinking
#planuoti jaunimo veiklą
#rengti jaunimo programas
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Laikas pabaigti: 10 minučių


Vilnius City of Learning
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