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European Youth Goals through 3D models

European Youth Goals 3D Model Creator

The badge earner explored the European Youth Goals through creative 3D modelling - through creative work with a team, designed a 3D model that represents a specific goal.

This activity has let participants bring the European Youth Goals to life through hands-on 3D design. They worked in teams to express ideas visually and turn abstract concepts into tangible models. Everyone could apply their creativity and perspective while learning some easy-to-use 3D modelling tools together.

This 3D modelling workshop was developed for the European Youth Goals in Cities of Learning cooperation partnership.
Task no.1
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Step 1.⁠ ⁠Choose one European Youth Goal which you want to focus on in a team
Step 2.⁠ ⁠⁠Create a 3D model good enough for printing (you will not need to print it - just be ready to show and explain)
Step 3. Present your 3D models.
Optional: Upload an image of your 3D model and share how it relates to the European Youth Goal:
  • ⁠Why did you choose to create this specific 3D model
  • How is it associated with your chosen European Youth Goal
  • ⁠⁠Share ideas on how this 3D model can be used to raise awareness about the European Youth Goals


European Youth Goals through 3D models
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