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Making Real Impact: Unlock Youth Opportunities

Making Impact through Youth Opportunities

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This badge is awarded for completing all activities in the Making Real Impact: Unlock Youth Opportunities playlist. By participating in all five activities, you have discovered and engaged with youth organisations, accessed resources to support impactful projects, developed leadership skills, built networks locally and internationally, and influenced youth policy-making. This badge recognises your commitment to strengthening youth organisations and European programmes while developing key skills in collaboration, advocacy, and leadership.

Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and Eurodesk Mobility Advisor Competence Framework):
  • Civic Engagement (connected to RFCDC Competence 6): You’ve demonstrated active participation in youth organisations and European programmes, contributing to their mission of fostering inclusion and democratic values.
  • Collaboration and Networking (connected to Eurodesk Competence “Network and Partner”): You’ve built relationships with organisations, peers, and networks, creating meaningful partnerships to support youth opportunities.
  • Resource Management (connected to Eurodesk Competence “Service Delivery”): You’ve gained practical experience in identifying funding opportunities, writing grant applications, and managing resources effectively for youth-led initiatives.
  • Leadership and Advocacy (connected to RFCDC Competence 20): You’ve demonstrated leadership by guiding initiatives, empowering others, and advocating for youth-friendly policies in decision-making processes.
  • Cultural Awareness (connected to RFCDC Competence 18): You’ve engaged in international collaborations, fostering mutual understanding and promoting European values through youth programmes.

By earning this badge, you demonstrate your growth as a Youth Organisation Champion, dedicated to strengthening youth organisations and promoting European programmes. You have shown leadership, collaboration, and advocacy skills, making meaningful contributions to European Youth Goal #11: Youth Organisations and European Programmes.
Utstedt av arrangør eller skanning av WR-kode
Complete all playlist activities: Earn the Youth Connector, Resource Navigator, Leadership Builder, Network Builder, and Youth Policy Advocate badges by successfully completing each activity in the playlist.
Provide evidence of active participation: Submit reflections, project proposals, event summaries, or other materials created during the activities to show your active engagement and contributions.
Demonstrate real-world application: Apply the skills and knowledge gained from this playlist to your community or youth organisation. Examples include leading a collaborative project, joining a peer network, or advocating for youth-friendly policies.


Making Real Impact: Unlock Youth Opportunities
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